Arrivals and Registration
Alan Smith - Principal consultant - Luchelan Ltd
Chairman's introduction
Alan is a former Principal consultant, Energy Department, Prime Minister's Office, Brunei Darussalam and a principal consultant, Shell. He works as an interim manager at CIO level specialising in strategy development and planning in the oil and gas E&P industry. Experience includes Data Management, Information Management, Knowledge Management, Business process analysis, system selection and implementation management, project and programme management.
Specialties: Expert knowledge of E&P industry systems and processes, Interim management roles undertaken as IS Manager / Departmental CIO in E&P organisations
Luchelan Ltd Interim manager at CIO level specialising in strategy development and planning in the oil and gas E&P industry. Experience includes Data Management, Information Management, Knowledge Management, Business process analysis, system selection and implementation
Julian Pickering - Director - Digital Oilfield Solutions Ltd
Different approaches to Digital Oilfield infrastructure - what makes a good solution
Talk Description. From experience of working with several major oil and gas companies, Digital Oilfield Solutions has observed that many have adopted similar design principles to deliver core functionality in the Digital Oilfield. However, the technology is evolving continuously and greater demands are being made on data storage, network speed, security and accessibility. This talk will review what is in place now and look at future design requirements in the next five years to satisfy the increasing performance demands
Dr Julian Pickering has a degree in Applied Physics from Brunel University, London and a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Cambridge University, where he was a BP scholar. He has worked for BP for 32 years and has held major posts including the Head of Digital Technology for Global Drilling and Completions and the Head of the Field of the Future Facilities Programme. He left BP in March 2010 and set up his own company, Digital Oilfield Solutions, with partners in the United States of America. He has provided consultancy services to many large Oil and Gas companies and is a consultant to the Energistics Data Standards Organisation.
Digital Oilfield Solutions Ltd Digital Oilfield Solutions is a partnership between the UK company Digital Oilfield Solutions Ltd and the US company Digital Oilfield Solutions Inc. Through its extended network of Independent Delivery Partners it can service projects on a global basis.
Digital Oilfield Solutions is a member of Energistics (Dr Julian Pickering chaired the WITSML Executive Team in 2009 and remains a team member). The promotion of WITSML and PRODML and the quantification of associated business benefits are key objectives of their delivery.
Jim Green - CIO and GM, Technical Computing -
Combining innovative workflows and emerging technologies in the digital oilfield
Talk Description. The industry has realized significant value creation, operational efficiencies and leverage of organizational capabilities through new workflows and business models enabled by digital oil field solutions. These solutions are often developed by combining the innovation and workflow knowledge of personnel responsible for reservoir management and production operations with emerging information technologies and architectural patterns.
Enterprises that demonstrate the ability to recognize, pilot and systematically adopt new solutions architectures across a wider portfolio of producing assets stand to differentiate their performance through improved production efficiency, reliability and consistent assessment and management of process risk. In this discussion, Mr. Green will describe the architectural attributes, practices and organizational capabilities required to enable the timely adoption of solutions from one operating asset to another.
Jim Green is the GM and CIO of Technical Computing for the Chevron Energy Technology Company. In this role, he is responsible for the strategic direction, organizational capabilities and leadership of the Technical Computing group responsible for the development, deployment, and support of Oil and Gas exploration and production applications, information management solutions, and high performance computing infrastructure. Prior to his current role, Jim was the CIO, Chevron Global Gas responsible for the leadership of the IT groups in support of the Chevron’s midstream and gas business. He joined Chevron from Unocal where his roles included the Manager of IT Strategy and Architecture and management of IT groups in Houston, TX. and Lafayette, LA. Jim received his Bachelors Degree in Electrical Engineering with a Computer Science option from Cal State Long Beach in 1985 and has been an information technology professional for 23 years. He and Catherine have been married for 29 years with two sons, Nathan, age 24, and Alan, age 22. He can be found on the week-ends working around the house, off road riding in the desert or enjoying a round of golf.
Magnus Svensson - Lead System Consultant - Dong Energy
Standardization of production reporting on the Norwegian Continental Shelf - benefits and challenges
Talk Description. Evolution of production reporting on the Norwegian Continental Shelf
New methods for data exchange and validation
Standardising production reporting - standard exchange formats and delivery methods
Standardising end of month reporting - exchange of this data in a standardised manner
Utilising more advanced validation routines.
Business benefits and challenges when introducing production reporting standardisation
Magnus Svensson's specialty is within the raw production domain focusing on standardization and optimization of data exchange and use of new IT technologies on the Norwegian continental shelf (e.g. semantic web technologies),
He has been working with production reporting (PRODML, standardization on the Norwegian continental shelf) and the optimization of data exchange between operators, partners and the government
Dong Energy DONG Energy was founded in 2006 when six Danish energy companies merged: DONG, Elsam, ENERGI E2, Nesa, Copenhagen Energy, and Frederiksberg Forsyning. The merger brought together a wide breadth of experience, resources, and activities, including: Oil and natural gas exploration and production, Electricity generation at power stations and renewable energy facilities, Gas and electricity distribution, Sales and energy consulting
Meyer Bengio - VP petroleum engineering - Schlumberger Information Solutions (SIS)
A template based approach to deploying DOF
Meyer Bengio is Vice President Technology for Schlumberger Information Solutions (SIS), a position he assumed in August 2007. Based in London, Meyer is responsible for the SIS Technology Centers that develop the full range of commercial Geosciences and Production software and information management solutions marketed by Schlumberger in E&P. Most recently, Meyer served as Vice President Worldwide Sales and Global Accounts for SIS. He has had a number of leadership roles in Schlumberger Oilfield Services including Vice President Operations Europe Africa CIS for SIS, Vice President Energy and Utilities at Schlumberger Sema, and Technology Center Manager roles in both Europe and the US. He joined Schlumberger in 1980 as a software engineer and spent his early career in product development and technology management for Schlumberger Measurement and Control and Schlumberger Semiconductor Automatic Test Equipment. Meyer earned a Masters degree in Applied Mathematics from Nice University and a Master's degree in Electrical Engineering from Ecole Superieure d’Electricite, Paris.
Schlumberger Information Solutions (SIS) Schlumberger Limited (NYSE:SLB) is the world''s leading oilfield services company supplying technology, information solutions and integrated project management that optimize reservoir performance for customers working in the oil and gas industry.
Charles Karren - Director of Oil & Gas Industry Strategy - Oracle Corporation
Optimizing Oil & Gas HPC Applications on Current and Future Computer Infrastructures
Talk Description. This presentation will acknowledge some of challenges brought up throughout the past few years on making IT infrastructure work in the digital oilfield. We will highlight customer case studies that have been implemented today and how oil & gas companies are leveraging oil and gas high performance computing techniques, as well as operational, HSE, and financial data to gain greater visibility and a true 360 degree of operations in order to accelerate decisions in today's digital oil field.
Oracle Corporation Oracle provides the world’s most complete, open, and integrated business software and hardware systems, with more than 370,000 customers—including 100 of the Fortune 100—representing a variety of sizes and industries in more than 145 countries around the globe. Oracle's product strategy provides flexibility and choice to our customers across their IT infrastructure. Now, with Sun server, storage, operating-system, and virtualization technology, Oracle is the only vendor able to offer a complete technology stack in which every layer is integrated to work together as a single system. In addition, Oracle's open architecture and multiple operating-system options gives our customers unmatched benefits from industry-leading products, including excellent system availability, scalability, energy efficiency, powerful performance, and low total cost of ownership.
Multiple - - Panel Discussion
Morning panel discussion
Talk Description. Jim Green - CIO and GM, Technical Computing, Chevron Energy Technology Company; Charles Karren - Director of Oil & Gas Industry Strategy, Oracle Corporation; Meyer Bengio - VP petroleum engineering, Schlumberger Information Solutions (SIS); Magnus Svensson - IT consultant, Dong Energy; Alan Smith - Principal consultant RPS Energy (chair);
Used for panel discussions
Panel Discussion This is part of our agenda where Finding Petroleum has a panel discussion.
Stewart Robinson - Energy Resources Consultant - UK Government Department of Energy and Climate Change
Energistics, WITSML, PRODML and National Data Repositories could all come together to deliver major benefits
Talk Description. The UK government, together with a number of other oil provinces such as Norway, have been using the emerging web services technology to deliver real benefits in the way that their oil provinces can be exploited. Web technology improves communication and delivers efficiency benefits but a major leap forward in government / industry cooperation still eludes us because we still do not have agreed data exchange standards. This talk outlines the current “state of the nation” of government / industry cooperation, describes (as an example) what has happened in the UK and then suggests a way forward that is being supported by Energistics through its custodianship of the National Data Repositories movement.
Stewart Robinson was formerly head of IT for oil and gas at UK government department of energy
UK Government Department of Energy and Climate Change The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) was created in October 2008, to bring together:
* energy policy (previously with BERR, which is now BIS - the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills), and * climate change mitigation policy (previously with Defra - the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Climate change is not only a massive threat to the global environment, it is also perhaps the greatest economic challenge facing us in the twenty-first century. It demands an urgent and radical response across the developed and developing world.
At the same time, the UK needs to secure clean, safe, affordable energy to heat and power our homes and businesses. Creating a low carbon and resource efficient world means making major structural changes to the way we work and live, including how we source, manage and use our energy.
DECC exists to take the lead in tackling these challenges, and reflects the fact that climate change and energy policies are inextricably linked – two thirds of our emissions come from the energy we use. Decisions in one field cannot be made without considering the impacts in the other.
Alan Smith - Principal consultant - Luchelan Ltd
Moving into the cloud
Alan is a former Principal consultant, Energy Department, Prime Minister's Office, Brunei Darussalam and a principal consultant, Shell. He works as an interim manager at CIO level specialising in strategy development and planning in the oil and gas E&P industry. Experience includes Data Management, Information Management, Knowledge Management, Business process analysis, system selection and implementation management, project and programme management.
Specialties: Expert knowledge of E&P industry systems and processes, Interim management roles undertaken as IS Manager / Departmental CIO in E&P organisations
Luchelan Ltd Interim manager at CIO level specialising in strategy development and planning in the oil and gas E&P industry. Experience includes Data Management, Information Management, Knowledge Management, Business process analysis, system selection and implementation
Justin Lowe - - PA Consulting
Enabling Digital Oilfields through effective cyber security
Talk Description. The upstream oil and gas industry is facing many challenges including declining existing reserves, new reserves that are difficult to access, aging infrastructure and ever increasing health and safety risks. Many in the industry are looking to intelligent or digital oilfields and integrated operations concepts to address these challenges and are deploying increased connectivity solutions to gain better information about reservoirs and operations. Many benefits are expected and value adding applications are being developed to exploit this newly acquired information. However, there are also downsides.
This new connectivity also opens these systems to security threats such as hackers, viruses, worms and terrorists. Security incidents have already occurred in digital oilfields with hackers disabling safety systems, worms and viruses causing loss of view and loss of control incidents for production and drilling operations.
This presentation examines these issues and looks at some of the incidents experienced and considers how taking an effective cyber security strategy can be a real enabler for digital oilfield initiatives.
Justin Lowe is a Managing Consultant with PA Consulting Group based in the UK out of PA's London office where he leads PA's services for the Oil and Gas sector. Justin has a strong background in developing strategic technology solutions for the oil and gas industry. For the last ten years Justin has been assisting clients with improving the management of their assets through digital oil field programmes where he has led the development and delivery of solutions involving real time plant and drilling information, remote connectivity, condition monitoring and field communications. A particular focus area is security risk management which is becoming an increasingly important theme in digital oilfield initiatives given recent cyber incidents.
PA Consulting PA Consulting Group is a leading management and IT consulting and technology firm. Independent and employee-owned, we operate globally in more than 30 countries and transform the performance of major organisations in both the private and public sectors.
From initial idea generation and strategy development through to detailed implementation, we deliver significant and tangible results. We have outstanding technology development capability; a unique breadth of skills from strategy to performance improvement, from HR to IT; and strong expertise in communications, media and entertainment, defence, energy, financial services, government and public services, healthcare, manufacturing, transportation and logistics.
Whether you are looking for new opportunities through innovation, or practical solutions to complex business issues, from strategic advice and planning to detailed implementation, PA’s focus is on delivering the right result that brings lasting value to your organisation.
Blair Eldridge - Head of Business Development for the UK Energy business - HP
DOF Infrastructure: Frontier IT Challenges
Talk Description. Digital oilfield developments have pushed the frontiers of Information Technology in requiring industrial grade, secure, robust and reliable connectivity delivered into often remote, harsh and challenging environments. Spanning connectivity issues in the High North and remote deserts to deep water and subsea installations the pace of change in technology continues to push the abilities of IT organization to deliver.
For every new innovation, technology or practice there are attendant challenges around the provision of services to new locations, changes in the nature of communication and its impact on network operations, and expectations of individuals as regards immediacy of access to information and applications.
IT Outsourcing is prevalent in the Oil and Gas Industry. Often divided between multiple suppliers covering Network, data centre, desktop, helpdesk..... the advent of new changes test the ability of service providers to meet the change in demand in a cost effective way.
In this presentation we will look at how recent changes, and current and proposed innovation can be supported and delivered in this complex and commercially challenging delivery model.
HP HP Digital Oilfield Intelligence solutions enable your company to take advantage of new information, technologies and business models. These oil and gas solutions transform data into business insight that can be shared across your enterprise. You can integrate information into a single data warehousing platform that can be accessed in real time. With these business intelligence solutions, you can produce oil more efficiently, forecast product demand, predict oil logistics and increase profit.
Multiple - - Panel Discussion
Used for panel discussions
Panel Discussion This is part of our agenda where Finding Petroleum has a panel discussion.
Drinks Reception and Tea/Coffee
RPS Energy provides a range of technical, commercial and project management support services to the international energy industry, covering geoscience, engineering and HS&E, with offices around the world.
Energistics is the leading upstream oil and gas industry's data standards body. We are a global, non-profit consortium established over 25 years ago to bring together industry professionals in a neutral and collaborative environment to develop and deploy open data exchange standards and to address oil and gas information sharing challenges. Our members consist of integrated, independent and national oil companies, oilfield service companies, hardware and software vendors, system integrators, regulatory agencies and the global standards user community.
For more information, visit our website at www.energistics.org.
Oracle provides the world’s most complete, open, and integrated business software and hardware systems, with more than 370,000 customers—including 100 of the Fortune 100—representing a variety of sizes and industries in more than 145 countries around the globe. Oracle's product strategy provides flexibility and choice to our customers across their IT infrastructure. Now, with Sun server, storage, operating-system, and virtualization technology, Oracle is the only vendor able to offer a complete technology stack in which every layer is integrated to work together as a single system. In addition, Oracle's open architecture and multiple operating-system options gives our customers unmatched benefits from industry-leading products, including excellent system availability, scalability, energy efficiency, powerful performance, and low total cost of ownership.
Teradata helps companies get more value from data than any other company. Our big data analytics solutions and team of experts can help your company gain a sustainable competitive advantage with data. Teradata helps organizations leverage all of their data so they can know more about their business and do more of what's really important. With more than 10,000 professionals in 43 countries, Teradata serves top companies across oil and gas, utilities, automotive, financial services, healthcare, communication, sconsumer goods, and more. A future-focused company, Teradata is recognized by industry analysts for technological excellence, sustainability, ethics, and business value. Visit teradata.com
RPS Energy provides a range of technical, commercial and project management support services to the international energy industry, covering geoscience, engineering and HS&E, with offices around the world.
Teradata helps companies get more value from data than any other company. Our big data analytics solutions and team of experts can help your company gain a sustainable competitive advantage with data. Teradata helps organizations leverage all of their data so they can know more about their business and do more of what's really important. With more than 10,000 professionals in 43 countries, Teradata serves top companies across oil and gas, utilities, automotive, financial services, healthcare, communication, sconsumer goods, and more. A future-focused company, Teradata is recognized by industry analysts for technological excellence, sustainability, ethics, and business value. Visit teradata.com
RPS Energy provides a range of technical, commercial and project management support services to the international energy industry, covering geoscience, engineering and HS&E, with offices around the world.
Tony Grindrod
AAPG Europe
United Kingdom
Erik Eriksson
Head of Sales
EnergySys Limited
United Kingdom
Robert Parker
United Kingdom
Rahul Vadgama
United Kingdom
Tony Wood
Ensights Limited
United Kingdom
mojgan djamarani
freelance writer
petroleum review/energy institute
Julian Sominka
Head of Architecture - Field of the Future
BP p.l.c.
Adam Marmaras
Event Organiser
Finding Petroleum
United Kingdom
Jerry Lunn
Group Information Manager
Premier Oil
United Kingdom
Lucas McGrady
Environmental Consultant
United Kingdom
Adam Marmaras
Event Organiser
Finding Petroleum
United Kingdom
Kes Heffer
Reservoir Dynamics Ltd
United Kingdom
Nick Littlecott
Head of IS Architecture
Geoff Armstrong
Technology Manager
Fugro Data Solutions Limited
Olivier Van Belle
Senior Consultant
RPS Energy
James Grant
Head of IS - Upstream
Centrica Energy
United Kingdom
Hedley Paris
Talent Manager
GTS Geotech
United Kingdom
John Buchanan
Principal Consultant
United Kingdom
Alan Ramsdale
IS Architect
Centrica Energy Upstream
United Kingdom
Norman Hempstead
Hempstead Geophysical Svcs
United Kingdom
Philip Hyde
Business Manager
United Kingdom
Richard King
IT Manager
Centrica Energy Upstream
United Kingdom
Blair Eldridge
Head of Business Development for the UK Energy business
John Powter
Account Manager
Jim Green
CIO and GM, Technical Computing
Chevron Energy Technology Company
Ian Johnston
Software Client Lead - Natural Resources
Laraine Abbott
Senior Account Manager
Dominic Davey
Information Systems
United Kingdom
Shane Blake
Solution Architect
IBM Australia
Rajesh Puri
Diwin Amarasinghe
Geophysical Specialist
United Kingdom
Christopher Gumm
Business Development Manager - Major Projects
Invensys Operations Management
Cindy Crow
Business Development
United Kingdom
Tracey Dancy
Managing Director
Dancy Dynamics Ltd
United Kingdom
David Greenwood
Managing Director
ISN Solutions Limited
United Kingdom
Meyer bengio
vp technology and marketing
schlumberger infomation solutions
United Kingdom
Karl Jeffery
Digital Energy Journal
United Kingdom
paul reed
ISN Soluttions
Nick Gibson
VP Sales and Marketing
Sekal AS
United Kingdom
Julian Pickering
Digital Oilfield Solutions Ltd
Heini Mikkelsen
Business Developer
Keel Solution
Tom Cave
Account Director
United Kingdom
Magnus Svensson
Lead System Consultant
Danial Hoydal
HR & Marketing Director
Keel Solution
Ben Couzens
Head of Channels
Stewart Robinson
Energy Resources Consultant
United Kingdom
Alan Smith
Luchelan Limited
United Kingdom
Tony Edwards
Stepchange Global
United Kingdom
Dave Partridge
E@P consultants Ltd
United Kingdom
Helen Turnell
Principal Consultant
NR Global Consulting Ltd
Niall O'Doherty
Tim Daffin
District Manager (Europe & Caspian)
Eigen Ltd
Charles Karren
Director Strategy
United States
Pabitra Dahal
Trichandra Multiple College, Tribhuvan UNiversity
murray callander
Lead Engineer
Eigen Ltd
Maria Mackey
Systems Engineer
United Kingdom
Graham Paul
IT manager
Valiant Petroleum plc
Toyin Solanke
Eknalos GeoTek
United Kingdom
Hossam Farid
VP Oil & Gas Industries
Oracle Corporation
Ugur Algan
Volantice Ltd.
United Kingdom
Randy Clark
Annie Hairsine
Associate Director
Sara Braund
Woodside Energy Limited
Jerry Hubbard
Executive Vice President
United States
Justin Lowe
PA Consulting
United Kingdom
Geraldine Paull
Business IT Manager - Production Division
Woodside Energy Ltd