Jill Lewis
Jill Lewis is Managing Director and CEO of Troika International Ltd, a company which provides a range of Data Management software tools, training and consultancy. Troika has offices in Tunbridge Wells, Aberdeen and Houston and supplies the tools for tape and format input to many systems. Amongest the Troika clients are more than 15 direct or indirect National Oil Companies and National Data Repositories who use Troika tools for the QC, ingestion and distriubtion of data.
Jill is also extremely involved in the SEG standards having led the team tht bought about the ratification of SEGY Rev 1.0, SEGD 2.1 and SEGD 3.0 all of which are now in use. Currently serving on the SEG Technical Standards sub-comittee for SEGY2 which is currently under review.
Most recently Jill has taken on the role of liaison between the SEG, Energistics and OGP to draw up a document to provide advice of where and when formats should be used and for which disciplines. This initiative has now grown into the Energistics hosted Standards Leadership Council which includes 10 standards bodies harmonising the use of common standards.