Chapman Freeborn
Chapman Freeborn is the world's leading air charter service company, with a proven reputation for innovation, expertise and professionalism.
Established in 1973, Chapman Freeborn has over 35 years of experience providing specialised air charter solutions for both passenger and cargo movements. With more than 30 offices strategically located across 6 continents, our global coverage is unparalleled.
Our diverse client base includes major corporations, governments, NGOs and relief agencies, as well as VIPs and prominent figures from the entertainment world.
Lesley Cripps -
Group Sales Manager - Energy
Lesley joined Chapman Freeborn Airchartering in January 2005 and has been instrumental in developing the company’s business portfolio in the energy industry - including aircraft charter solutions for heavy and outsize pieces, project cargo, oil spill response, crew rotations worldwide and aviation consultation.
Lesley has nearly 25 years of commercial experience in the cargo aviation indu
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A shortage of cargo aircraft?
The oil and gas industry uses a lot of cargo aircraft, many of which were built by the Russians during the Cold War and are not being built any more, said Lesley Cripps of aircraft charterers Chapman Freeborn. This could mean problems in the future
13 Jul 2012