EPIM E&P Information Management Association
EPIM is as an association based on the non profit principle, initiated by Norwegian Oil and Gas Association in 2007. The objective is to utilize and make available IT solutions that facilitate the best possible flow of information between the users.Participants are operators of exploration permits, production and transport licenses and of joint ventures involved in activities on the NCS.
Kari Anne Haaland Thorsen -
Drilling & Production Data,
Kari Anne has a Ph.D in information technology for University of Stavanger. Her specialty is within semantic technologies and its applications. She is main responsible for EPIMs solutions in the Drilling and Production Data domain. Previously she has been with POSC Caesar Association, where she worked with Reference Data for the Oil and Gas Industry.
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Developing production data reporting by EPIM
Norway's E&P Information Management Association (EPIM) is continuing to develop its systems to standardise production data reporting, between Norway oil and gas companies and the government.
24 Jul 2015