We aim to be the leading provider of cloud apps for every single oil and gas company. As part of that, we believe that every aspect of software provision for oil and gas can be improved. And improved again.
We deliver software solutions that are configurable, easy to use, exciting and evolving. We deliver exceptional service that recognises the individual needs of our customers and their businesses
Peter Black -
Managing director
Everything I do is about allowing our customers to focus on their core business, and spend less time worrying about IT. My current focus is on cloud computing as a way to deliver advanced solutions for production allocation and reserves reporting to oil and gas companies. We have customers around the globe, including West Africa, Trinidad, Azerbaijan, the UK, Switzerland, and China.
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Speaker from -
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Peter Westwood -
Technical director
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Where the digital oilfield succeeded, by Peter Black
A review of recent technical papers on the 'digital oilfield' shows that some of the biggest successes has been through facilitating better collaboration, not, as previously thought, from connecting up an oilfield digitally. By Peter Black, managing director of EnergySys
10 Oct 2016
EnergySys new pricing model
EnergySys, a company which sells a cloud system for managing production data, has launched a new pricing model.
24 Aug 2012
(adv) EnergySys video explains their Production Allocation Cloud
The Production Allocation Cloud from EnergySys, explained in 96 seconds. Production allocation and production reporting for oil and gas with a simple subscription. Find out why what we left out was just as important as what we put in. Nothing but results
09 May 2012