Exprodat, based in London, provides Geographical Information Service (GIS) consulting and software to the oil and gas industry. Its Team-GIS Acreage Analyst Tool enables oil and gas companies to analyse different acreage (for example, when consider which license blocks to bid for), gathering all the available information into an easy to read map.
Gareth Smith -
Managing Director
Gareth Smith is Managing Director of Exprodat Consulting. Prior to Exprodat, Gareth worked for Landmark Graphics as a technical consultant, and for Sun Oil as a Geologist. Gareth has worked in the E&P industry for over 20 years.
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Exprodat ArcGIS training in Houston
UK Oil and gas GIS + geoscience software company Exprodat is offering training in Houston on using ESRI's Petroleum ArcGIS software.
29 Jun 2012
Exprodat partners in Asia with AGS
Exprodat Consulting, specialists in implementing GIS technology within the oil and gas industry, has entered into a partnership with Malaysian-based Alliance Geotechnical Services (AGS).
21 Jun 2010