Holland & Davis LLC
Holland & Davis, an Endeavor Management dba, is a professional services firm that specializes in all aspects of organizational change. No organizational change is too small … or too large and complex for the firm to tackle. They know change backwards, forwards, and sideways … and we have taken their knowledge and time to write several practical books on change and project management. They believe that changing an organization is more an engineering problem than one of psychology. They work for both companies and for the individuals within them.
DOF - when to tell colleagues to ´Get over it´
It may be surprising to see how much better the organization will work with a leader having the guts to say it like it is, says Dutch Holland. By Dr. Dutch Holland, PhD, Holland & Davis LLC, a service line of Endeavor Management
17 Sep 2010
10 fatal flaws of every DOF initiative
If a digital oilfield project is not part of the company’s strategy, not supported by senior management, not part of employee incentive plans, subject to flaky decision making or poor portfolio management, it will probably fail. by Dr. Dutch Holland, PhD, Holland & Davis LLC, a service line of Endeavor Management
19 Jul 2010