KADME is a leading provider of information management software and services to the oil and gas industry. KADME's flagship product is Whereoil, an enterprise search engine designed for energy companies. Whereoil lets you find and manage all your data, structured or unstructured, wherever it is, for all users.
Vasily Borisov -
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AI based subsurface image classification
Kadme has develop a tool to make images classifiable using AI, and then searchable, so that oil and gas companies can do a search of all the images in their electronic documents
03 Oct 2023
Reducing resistance to a change in IM technology
There are ways to reduce user resistance to the introduction of new information management technology, writes Gianluca Monachese, Director Business Development, KADME AS and Vasily Borisov, Director of Technology, KADME AS.
24 Sep 2015
KADME entering Brazilian market with IesBrazil
KADME, a provider of information management software and services to the oil and gas industry, has signed a contract with IesBrazil to broaden its presence in Brazil. KADME and IesBrazil will present this new partnership at the 13th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, taking place this August in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
02 May 2013
KADME's Scout Web system to simplify data registration, trades and reporting
KADME, a provider of information management software and services to the oil and gas industry, announces in conjunction with the Norwegian Oil and Gas Association (Norsk olje og gass, formerly 'OLF') that KADME has been selected to develop an advanced well-data and scouting portal for the Scout Group.
28 Feb 2013
KADME is 10
Stavanger oil and gas data management company KADME has celebrated its 10th birthday.
24 Feb 2012
KADME joins OpenSpirit business partner program
KADME, a leading supplier of information access solutions for the oil & gas industry, has joined the OpenSpirit Partner Program to extend the reach of its flagship Whereoil Enterprise software to OpenSpirit-enabled data sources.
21 Jun 2010