StepChange Global
StepChange Global is a market leader in the application of Intelligent Energy and Integrated Operations, StepChange Global is a leading partner in driving business change.
The company is currently based in UK, Norway and the USA.
StepChange Global has a network of more than 35 associates that work with customers to create value by implementing effective collaboration and network based operations, locally and globally.
Tony Edwards -
Tony is a recognised expert in the application of Digital Oilfield Technologies in the oil and gas industry. He has more than 20 years experience in the oil and gas industry in leading companies such as BP and BG. His core discipline is in operations management including 5 years offshore and 3 years as Operations Manager on major Oil and Gas project.
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Step Change in Safety issues new hydrocarbon release reduction target
Following the near halving of hydrocarbon releases by the UK offshore oil and gas industry between 2010 and 2013, Step Change in Safety is challenging the industry to achieve another 50 per cent reduction by March 2016. Hydrocarbon releases can be precursors to major incidents offshore and are a key indicator of safety performance relating to asset integrity, as set out by the Health and Safety Executive.
25 Jul 2013
StepChange Global new website
StepChange Global, a company founded by Tony Edwards, previously head of iValue at BG Group and Advanced Collaborative Environment (ACE) Programme Manager at BP, has launched a new website.
19 Oct 2012