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Doing more with production data

Improving accuracy, transparency and efficiency of production data
Magnus Svensson
» Lead System Consultant
» Dong Energy
David Price
» Managing Director and Consultant
» Top Quadrant

Thursday, April 18, 2013
Norwegian Petroleum Museum

EPIM and Digital Energy Journal would like to invite you to register for our Stavanger production data forum on April 18th, looking at new techniques to improve the accuracy, transparency and efficiency of production data under control, including metering, hydrocarbon accounting and reporting, and how the data can be used.

The event will cover new developments with all aspects of production data, covering:

- Developments with multiphase metering / fiscal metering, subsea metering
- Management and communications of real time production data, including PRODML
- Hydrocarbon accounting / allocations / data management software and tools
- Production reporting - to partners and to government
- Using the data to identify ways to improve production.

How much scope is there to make it easier to gather, manage and work with production data?

Limited places, register now to secure yours!


9:10 Kari Anne Haaland Thorsen - Drilling & Production Data,
EPIM E&P Information Management Association
Chairman's introduction

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Kari Anne has a Ph.D in information technology for University of Stavanger. Her specialty is within semantic technologies and its applications. She is main responsible for EPIMs solutions in the Drilling and Production Data domain. Previously she has been with POSC Caesar Association, where she worked with Reference Data for the Oil and Gas Industry.

EPIM E&P Information Management Association
EPIM is as an association based on the non profit principle, initiated by Norwegian Oil and Gas Association in 2007. The objective is to utilize and make available IT solutions that facilitate the best possible flow of information between the users.Participants are operators of exploration permits, production and transport licenses and of joint ventures involved in activities on the NCS.
9:15 Magnus Svensson - Lead System Consultant
Dong Energy
Standardization of production reporting on the Norwegian Continental Shelf - benefits and challenges

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Magnus Svensson's specialty is within the raw production domain focusing on standardization and optimization of data exchange and use of new IT technologies on the Norwegian continental shelf (e.g. semantic web technologies),

He has been working with production reporting (PRODML, standardization on the Norwegian continental shelf) and the optimization of data exchange between operators, partners and the government

Dong Energy
DONG Energy was founded in 2006 when six Danish energy companies merged: DONG, Elsam, ENERGI E2, Nesa, Copenhagen Energy, and Frederiksberg Forsyning. The merger brought together a wide breadth of experience, resources, and activities, including: Oil and natural gas exploration and production, Electricity generation at power stations and renewable energy facilities, Gas and electricity distribution, Sales and energy consulting
9:45 David Price - Managing Director and Consultant
Top Quadrant
How semantic technology can help you do more with production data

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TopQuadrant's mission is to enable enterprises to be agile through practical application of Semantic Web technologies. We believe the global economy requires enterprises to become more agile in order to survive and thrive. Applications built using traditional approaches don't adapt well to changes and are not sustainable over time.
With the increasing volume and diversity of data, data integration needs for enterprises are growing exponentially. At the same time, expectations about what technology should do for companies and solution end-users are rapidly increasing.
In response to these forces, TopQuadrant provides the technology necessary to quickly and cost effectively build Dynamic Business Applications.
10:15 Susan Macleod - Strategy Director for the UK Oil & Gas business
Making all your production data available for analysis and surveillance

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Talk Description.
The Internet has revolutionised data availability. How can you make all your production data available for analysis and surveillance?

1. Joint Venture Operators have to equip multiple roles with production information, the Production Accountant, Joint venture administrators, JV-stakeholders and Regulators. Each of these roles requires different information derived from multiple data sources such as licensing information, DPR volume reporting, hydrocarbon accounting and engineering hubs.

2. Field Data Capture: manual spreadsheets or home-grown databases no longer fit the bill. CGI has a track record in the North American Oil industry delivering products for Production Volume Reporting, field data management tools that access production data through the use of a data extraction layer that eliminates direct calls to the back-end database

3. And looking forward: CGI’s Lamplight concept, takes information from different sources, both structured and unstructured data, handles external available data sets, extracts information from real time systems, and enables patterns in data and helps correlate them. Refining data for analysis and surveillance.
Having worked as a civil engineer in industry, Susan Macleod is now strategy director for CGI's UK oil & gas business. Over the past 12 years she has worked with major clients across a number of different industries assisting them in the reuse of data from existing assets to provide innovative solutions which deliver safely to the bottom-line

Founded in 1976, CGI is a global IT and business process services provider delivering high-quality business consulting, systems integration and managed services. With 68,000 professionals in 40 countries, CGI has an industry-leading track record of delivering 95% of projects on-time and on-budget, aligning our teams with clients' business strategies to achieve top-to-bottom line results.
10:45 Break
11:15 Henning Stokke - Founder and Director
Hytracc Consulting
State-of-the-art in hydrocarbon supply chain management - current HCA practises (poor and good)

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Henning Stokke is a recognized expert in the field of hydrocarbon accounting.

- 1993 - 1997: Responsible for building up the Oil & Gas upstream consultancy services of Tieto in Stavanger, Norway which grew from 1 to almost 100 in 4 years.
- 1997 - 2005: Founder of the Energy Components product line within Tieto in 1997, he was responsible for defining the product portfolio and building up the global customer base within upstream/midstream oil & gas production, transportation, gas sales and revenue handling. Energy Components is installed at more than 450 sites in 50 countries world-wide.
- 2005 - 2010: Independent advisor in hydrocarbon supply chain working primarily for oil and gas majors
- 2010 - Founder and Director of Hytracc Consulting

Hytracc Consulting
Hytracc is today a leading provider of hydrocarbon accounting skills with about 100 staff at 7 different locations. Hytracc has global master services agreements with Exxon, Chevron, BP etc and has entered into a long-term cooperation with Tieto relating the Energy Components product suite.
11:45 Multiple -
Panel Discussion
Panel discussion with all morning speakers

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Used for panel discussions

Panel Discussion
This is part of our agenda where Finding Petroleum has a panel discussion.
12:15 Lunch in Bolgen & Moi restaurant for all delegates


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