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Getting data tools implemented faster

How do we get data tools implemented and properly used faster - so people get the benefits?
Eric Toogood
» DISKOS manager
» Norwegian Petroleum Directorate

Thursday, October 25, 2012
Kuala Lumpur
Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre

On Thursday Oct 25th afternoon, we will run a free half day forum looking at how to get better data tools implemented and being used more quickly, so people are using them to collaborate and getting the full benefits of them.

There will be panel discussions on getting people collaborating and working better with big data tools, and doing more with data standards.

The panel discussions will be chaired by Julian Pickering, Director at Digital Oilfield Solutions and a past head of global digital drilling and completions at BP, and head of the facilities area of BP's Field of the Future.

Getting big data and collaboration tools implemented and properly used faster
David Hattrick, director oil and gas and mining Asia Pacific, Oracle
John Redfern, co-ceo, Digital Earth
Tony Edwards, director, Step Change Global

Getting data standards implemented and used faster
Ugur Algan, director, Volantice
Samit Sengupta, Geologix
Eric Toogood - DISKOS manager, Norwegian Petroleum Directorate
Jess Kozman, lead consultant, Westheimer Energy Consultants

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This is part of a series of events we are running in KL on October 24-25

October 24 - Doing more with with drilling data

October 25 -am - Doing more withsubsurface data

October 25- pm - Implementing data tools faster

Overview to our Kuala Lumpur 'doing more with data' events and sponsorship opportunities


14:00 Julian Pickering - Director
Digital Oilfield Solutions Ltd
Chairman's introduction

Dr Julian Pickering has a degree in Applied Physics from Brunel University, London and a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Cambridge University, where he was a BP scholar. He has worked for BP for 32 years and has held major posts including the Head of Digital Technology for Global Drilling and Completions and the Head of the Field of the Future Facilities Programme. He left BP in March 2010 and set up his own company, Digital Oilfield Solutions, with partners in the United States of America. He has provided consultancy services to many large Oil and Gas companies and is a consultant to the Energistics Data Standards Organisation.

Digital Oilfield Solutions Ltd
Digital Oilfield Solutions is a partnership between the UK company Digital Oilfield Solutions Ltd and the US company Digital Oilfield Solutions Inc. Through its extended network of Independent Delivery Partners it can service projects on a global basis.

Digital Oilfield Solutions is a member of Energistics (Dr Julian Pickering chaired the WITSML Executive Team in 2009 and remains a team member). The promotion of WITSML and PRODML and the quantification of associated business benefits are key objectives of their delivery.
14:10 Multiple -
Panel Discussion
Panel session: getting data tools implemented faster

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Talk Description.
Julian Pickering, Director, Digital Oilfield Solutions Ltd (chair)
Ugur Algan, director, Volantice
David Hattrick, director oil and gas and mining Asia Pacific, Oracle
Jess Kozman, lead consultant, Westheimer Energy Consultants
John Redfern, co-ceo, Digital Earth
Tony Edwards, director, Step Change Global
Eric Toogood, DISKOS manager, Norwegian Petroleum Directorate
Samit Sengupta, Geologix

With audience contributions from:
Tracey Dancy, managing director, Dancy Dynamics
Andy Moore, IS subsurface manager, Santos
Stephen Allen, senior consultant, Wipro Technologies, Oman
Martin Henderson, senior geoscience data analyst, Santos
Karl Jeffery, editor, Digital Energy Journal

Used for panel discussions

Panel Discussion
This is part of our agenda where Finding Petroleum has a panel discussion.
14:11 Eric Toogood - DISKOS manager
Norwegian Petroleum Directorate
data standards panel participant

The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) is a governmental specialist directorate and administrative body. It reports to the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy (MPE).

The paramount objective of the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate is to contribute to creating the greatest possible values for society from the oil and gas activities by means of prudent resource management based on safety, emergency preparedness and safeguarding of the external environment.
14:11 Ugur Algan - Director
data standards panel participant

Volantice provides technical and management consultancy services in Upstream Oil and Gas sector, focused on:

• Technical and business information management
• Tender process, contract and project management
• Training and mentoring

Our clients include many of the international oil companies, as well as national oil companies, service companies and regulatory agencies. We are committed to establishing long-term relationships with our clients, and delivering valuable services on an ongoing basis. We are very flexible in our business model and can work under a variety of commercial models such as time-based fees, turnkey project pricing, or on a retainer basis.
14:11 Jess Kozman - Regional Representative
data standards panel participant

Jess Kozman has over 30 years of experience in the oil and gas industry as an exploration geophysicist, IT data and project manager, and has founded and operated independent consulting companies specializing in data management and predictive analytics. His project work covers over 50 countries on every petroleum producing continent. He is a Licensed Professional Geoscientist, Registered Petroleum Geophysicist, and a Certified Project Management Practitioner. Jess is a frequent speaker at industry events and facilitates workshops and field trips for education and community outreach

The PPDM Association is a global, not-for-profit standards organization that works collaboratively with industry to create and publish data management standards for the resource industry. Through the PPDM Association, worldwide petroleum data experts gather together in a collaborative, round table approach to engineer business driven, pragmatic data management standards that will meet industry needs.
14:11 Tony Edwards - director
StepChange Global
panel discussion participant

Tony is a recognised expert in the application of Digital Oilfield Technologies in the oil and gas industry. He has more than 20 years experience in the oil and gas industry in leading companies such as BP and BG. His core discipline is in operations management including 5 years offshore and 3 years as Operations Manager on major Oil and Gas project.

StepChange Global
StepChange Global is a market leader in the application of Intelligent Energy and Integrated Operations, StepChange Global is a leading partner in driving business change.

The company is currently based in UK, Norway and the USA.

StepChange Global has a network of more than 35 associates that work with customers to create value by implementing effective collaboration and network based operations, locally and globally.
14:11 David Hattrick - Director Oil&Gas and Mining Asia Pacific at Oracle Corporation
Oracle Corporation
Panel participant

Sales, Marketing, Business Development professional with over 25 years experience in the IT industry with a specific focus on the Energy, Utility and Mining Industries.

Achievements include building PipeLines, a successful global surfing business in the 70s, part of the privatisation team for the first government agency in Australia in the 80s, a quantum improvement in HP's corporate reputation in ANZ and building one of Sun's largest market share sites globally in WA in the 90s, the rapid expansion of Sun's penetration of the Oil&Gas and Mining Industries across Asia Pacific, establishing EY's business development team in WA and SA and starting a charter boat business in WA in the 2000s and a successful return to IT in the late 00s with SAP, IBM and now Oracle.

Process Industries - Oil&Gas, Mining and Utilities - enterprise and operational systems. Particular interest in Integrated Operations, the integration of Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) and the associated Operational and Enterprise Reporting Systems in the Oil&Gas and Mining sectors to increase production, reduce operational costs, reduce Non Productive Time, and better manage risks on a realtime, collaborative basis.

Oracle Corporation
Oracle provides the world’s most complete, open, and integrated business software and hardware systems, with more than 370,000 customers—including 100 of the Fortune 100—representing a variety of sizes and industries in more than 145 countries around the globe. Oracle's product strategy provides flexibility and choice to our customers across their IT infrastructure. Now, with Sun server, storage, operating-system, and virtualization technology, Oracle is the only vendor able to offer a complete technology stack in which every layer is integrated to work together as a single system. In addition, Oracle's open architecture and multiple operating-system options gives our customers unmatched benefits from industry-leading products, including excellent system availability, scalability, energy efficiency, powerful performance, and low total cost of ownership.
14:11 John Redfern - Chairman & Co-CEO
Digital Earth
Panel discussion participant

Successful record in the data management, energy tech, oil & gas, alternative energy, social media and M&A fields. Educated in engineering physics and law, with a MBA from INSEAD. Broad international management experience split almost evenly between North America, Europe and Asia.

Particular strengths and interest in team building, commercial strategy, alliancing and private equity. Ideally suited to startups, turnaround situations and industries undergoing rapid change.

Digital Earth
Digital Earth is building a global data repository where oil and gas professionals can search for energy information, suppliers and people.

In the process, Digital Earth is creating not just a search tool, but a transparent marketplace for all stakeholders - host countries, service providers, and oil & gas companies - that will continue to build over time.

You can access this free public search service at Search4Oil

Digital Earth is also deploying the technology behind this search platform to help leading companies improve their own data quality, websites, and enterprise search capabilities.
14:11 Samit Sengupta -
data standards panel participant

Samit Sengupta has over 30 years’ experience in the upstream sector of the oil and gas industry. After graduating from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, with a degree in Civil Engineering, Samit worked in the subsurface data acquisition and analysis industry in Australasia, USA, Africa and Europe with Schlumberger, Gearhart and Halliburton, prior to creating Geologix, an international software company providing products and services for aggregation, analysis, interpretation and visualization of well data

Geologix has been a leading technology and engineering application development company since 1995, focused on providing innovative and reliable solutions for well monitoring, pipeline data management and integrated operations. We understand the benefits of agility in helping to tackle the constancy of change. Our upstream expertise, software and services will improve performance across operations, allowing you to transform behaviours and use enabling technologies more effectively.

Geologix works with over 200 customers in more than 60 countries worldwide. Our world-class, globally distributed team of geoscientists, engineers and software developers provide systems, tools and solutions to reduce cost, improve operations and streamline the flow of real-time data and information to the desktop.
Geologix provides users with a full package of technology, domain consulting, onsite handholding, knowledge transfer, maintenance and support, with geoscientists, engineers and domain experts on call twenty-four hours a day. Our offices in the UK, Houston, Jakarta and Delhi ensure on-time, bespoke support, wherever you are.

Smart Solutions for Legacy Data
Geologix's innovative approach to engineering applications' development provides significant advantages to their customers by significantly reducing effort, shortening delivery time, and lowering overall project uncertainty.

Many oil & gas organisations have had to live with technologically challenging but irreplaceable legacy data, all of which requires time-consuming, costly maintenance and upgrading. The industry has developed 'work-arounds', but this is not a viable long-term approach. Geologix, in line with their desire to streamline and improve processes to reduce cost and improve the end-user experience, has evolved a smart solution to transform legacy data without compromising on quality or integrity.

The Geologix presentation will demonstrate their live project experience in applying innovative technologies and industry domain experience to the challenges of legacy data, and put forward their solution for data transformation - from unstructured, often unusable data to a readily available, user-friendly data model, fully integrated with today's business needs.


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