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Improving IT / IM infrastructure decisions

Making the best decisions about how to run your IT and IM infrastructure
Speaker from
» ISN Solutions
Neale Stidolph
» Business Manager - Energy
» Amor Group

Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Doubletree by Hilton Hotel Aberdeen Treetops

Our May 29th Aberdeen event "Improving IT/IM infrastructure decisions looks at some of the latest developments to help manage IT and IM infrastructure better.

This event is for people who need to keep up to date with developments with digital technology in the oil and gas industry - and the latest methods to help you achieve more with less.

Highlights include:

A talk from George Ilko, Solutions Architect with ISN Solutions and former technical director of Deluxe Laboratories on what the oil and gas industry can learn from the movie industry. Deluxe Laboratories has developed special effects for feature film productions such as the Harry Potter, Batman and James Bond franchises. The movie industry manages to get all of its imaging experts to co-ordinate their work so well no-one notices where one person's work finishes and another person's work starts. Could the oil and gas industry do the same?

Peter Black, managing director of EnergySys, talks about his experiences so far helping oil and gas companies manage production allocation and reserves reporting on the cloud. What is the best way companies can integrate cloud computing into their existing IT infrastructure?

Neale Stidolph, business manager - energy with Amor Group, will talk about strategies for better oil and gas information management and system maintenance - to avoid security risks, comply with regulations and avoid financial costs.

Also - Dell SecureWorks on best practise with IT security.

Limited places remaining - register now to secure yours!

This event is our annual meeting place for people in the Aberdeen oil and gas industry who work with IT infrastructure. If you think such an annual meeting is a good idea, and you would like to be part of it, please plan to attend.

See the agenda and attendee list for our June 2012 Aberdeen forum "IT infrastructure for the digital oilfield"


9:15 Karl Jeffery - Editor
Digital Energy Journal
Chairman's introduction

Karl Jeffery is editor of Digital Energy Journal and managing director of Future Energy Publishing, which also publishes Tanker Operator magazine and Carbon Capture Journal. He was previously co-founder and editor of Digital Ship Ltd, a publishing company focussing on IT in the shipping sector. He has a BEng in chemical engineering from Nottingham University

Digital Energy Journal
Founded in 2006, Digital Energy Journal is the world's leading magazine for digital technology in the upstream oil and gas industry, covering developments in exploration, drilling and production, covering IT infrastructure, software, automation and people. We produce 6 issues per year, distributed by print and pdf, and an e-mail newsletter every Friday
9:20 Speaker from -
ISN Solutions
Silver screen meets black gold - what can the oil & gas industry learn from the film industry

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Talk Description.
This presentation will share methodologies and experiences learned at the bleeding edge of the film industry and explain how mistakes can be avoided and R&D investment harnessed to benefit geoscience efforts and ultimately increased productivity though IT in upstream oil & gas

ISN Solutions provides IT solutions and services exclusively to the upstream oil and gas industry. Owned and operated by three former oil company IT consultants our business is built on unrivalled international field experience, critical to making IT work in the most hostile environments. Whether a start-up or industry leader we help centralise IT, enabling the digital oil field through the delivery of familiar, responsive and consistent IT services regardless of geographic location.
9:50 Peter Black - Managing director
Standards for production allocation

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Everything I do is about allowing our customers to focus on their core business, and spend less time worrying about IT. My current focus is on cloud computing as a way to deliver advanced solutions for production allocation and reserves reporting to oil and gas companies. We have customers around the globe, including West Africa, Trinidad, Azerbaijan, the UK, Switzerland, and China.

Cloud computing, oil and gas, production reporting and production allocation, reserves reporting, IT strategy

We aim to be the leading provider of cloud apps for every single oil and gas company. As part of that, we believe that every aspect of software provision for oil and gas can be improved. And improved again.

We deliver software solutions that are configurable, easy to use, exciting and evolving. We deliver exceptional service that recognises the individual needs of our customers and their businesses
10:20 Neale Stidolph - Business Manager - Energy
Amor Group
Impact of quality of information on your business

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Talk Description.
Building on system selection and maintenance to get the maximum value from your systems, we will assess the impact of the quality of information in your business including:

* Managing risks

* Governance / compliance issues

* Economic implications

10:50 Break
11:20 Sean McCue - Solutions Architect
Dell SecureWorks
Cyber crime in the oil and gas industry

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Talk Description.
Due to its critical role in modern society the oil and gas industry is a target for all types of cyber criminals and there are significant global implications if attacks are successful. This presentation will discuss:
• The nature of the threat currently facing the energy sector
• The tools and techniques that threat actors are using
• Pragmatic advice on defending against such attacks with a strong layered security strategy
Sean has over 23 years in IT and over 15 years’ experience within Information and Computer Security, bringing a wealth of experience from both in-house and vendor security roles. Recent roles have seen Sean designing and delivering solutions for complex customer issues; including sensitive projects involving highly confidential government and defence solutions. Sean speaks authoritatively on the cyber threat landscape from his time at Sophos and now working alongside the Dell SecureWorks Counter Threat Unit.

Dell SecureWorks
Dell SecureWorks is relentlessly driven to protect the integrity of the world's digital assets against cyber threats. We do that with intelligent defences that combine our proprietary technology, global threat visibility and deep expertise. We are 100% focused on information security - it's all we do. Dell SecureWorks offers a full suite of Managed Security Services, Threat Intelligence and Security & Risk Consulting services and is recognised as an industry leader by top analysts.
11:50 Multiple -
Panel Discussion

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Used for panel discussions

Panel Discussion
This is part of our agenda where Finding Petroleum has a panel discussion.
12:45 Lunch and close


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