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EVRY launches the PetroPortal for the Oil & Gas industry

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

EVRY announces the release of the PetroPortal, a new solution providing secure, easy and cost-effective access to the main industry-leading petro technical applications. The PetroPortal is cloud-based and highly scalable to fit all actors in the Oil & Gas industry.

To meet the industry's need for standardized solutions and operational efficiency, EVRY has developed a new portal where users are able to organize, search, store, share and interpret their seismic information in an easy-to-use interface. The portal is unique in the sense that it offers products and services for the entire business lifecycle and from applications to hosting and services. The first version, launched today, covers functionality and services for geophysics, geology and reservoir engineering.

The PetroPortal is based on cloud technology, allowing immediate commencement without major upfront investments in hardware and infrastructure. The underlying infrastructure is extremely scalable in order to cope with changes in demand. Changes in capacity are handled dynamically, with the customer only paying for resources (CPU, disk, memory) actually consumed. Depending on specific customer requirements, the PetroPortal can also be delivered as a hybrid or on-premise solution, including customization and interfaces to other systems.

"Our customers tell us that they need a full-scale, flexible, cost effective, user friendly and hassle free solution to manage increasing demands for efficiency. We have high expectations to this first version of the PetroPortal and look forward to add new functionality to the solution shortly," says Nina Amdal Fiskaaen, Vice President Oil & Gas at EVRY.

EVRY strengthened its commitment to the Oil & Gas industry in January this year, establishing a dedicated vertical with over 500 employees associated. The vertical focuses strongly on enabling standardization and efficiency in the industry.

'Seamless solutions for collaboration and communication across value chains will be essential to meet future demands for increased efficiency and cost control. In this light, the PetroPortal will be a highly valuable tool for the industry,' Amdal Fiskaaen continues.

EVRY aims to grow and further develop its position in the oil and gas sector, and is looking to double its revenues from oil and gas related customers over the next five years. As part of this, EVRY is working on conceptualizing industry specific solutions and amongst the areas being focused are increased automation and integrated solutions that enables the industry to focus on core business.

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