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IKON science to launch new corporate positioning

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Ikon Science will be at the EAGE 2013 conference in London June 10-12 under its new corporate positioning: 'The Present and Future of GeoPrediction.'

Leading expert's from Ikon's global team will be present at the EAGE to meet with existing and new customers to showcase a new range of technologies which include a new integrated rock physics driven inversion, time-lapse reservoir modelling and inter-disciplinary workflows built on the Company's global expertise in geopressure and geomechanics prediction.

EAGE delegates are encouraged to visit Ikon at booth number 970, for demonstrations of recent new developments including: a regional study of the pressure regime and rock physics in the West of Shetlands and Central North Sea, new Geostatistical Reservoir Inversion techniques (GRI), numerous Quantitative Interpretation (QI) case studies from around the world, the latest enhancements to RokDoc's GeoPressure prediction software, the Ikon Rock Physics Workflow plug-in for Petrel and more.

The company also recently acquired their ISO 9001 certificate proving a quality management system which demonstrates an on-going ability to consistently provide products which meet customer and applicable regulatory requirements.

The evolution of Ikon's Geoprediction platform RokDocQED includes a new, tightly integrated rock physics driven inversion module for geologically meaningful reservoir analysis and new sophisticated tools for forward and inverse modelling of all rock, fluid and pressure scenarios. The new version 6.1 will be showcased in London with many enhancements, and the technical team will be available for one-on-one demonstrations. The
6.1 version also includes the new inversion product: ChronoSeis® GRI.

ChronoSeis® GRI is a new tool for seismic reservoir characterisation, inverting directly to lithofacies and reservoir properties (e.g. porosity) inside a structural and chronostratigraphic framework. GRI integrates knowledge of reservoir geology and pre-stack seismic data. It produces reservoir property models with realistic internal architecture, and is well suited for reservoir characterisation and 4D monitoring. Conventional lithology & fluid analysis uses only seismic and produces random flow-paths. This is not an issue for exploration projects but makes such methods ill-suited for reservoir studies. GRI delivers 3D reservoir model properties and a probabilistic reservoir evaluation based on a multi-realization analysis.

The EAGE conference aims to bring together the best of the oil and gas technologies industry to share how to maximize performance with learning technologies. Ikon Science is proud to have an on-going presence at the event.

Associated Companies
» Ikon GeoPressure


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