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Norway's DISKOS - building Version 2.0 on OSDU

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Norway is building Version 2.0 of its National Data Repository DISKOS, which will be built on the OSDU platform, and enable people to work with data without having to download it.

The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) is working on Version 2.0 of its DISKOS National Data Repository.

It will be built on the Offshore Subsurface Data Universe (OSDU) platform, with open Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). It will be possible for people to work with subsurface data without having to download it first.

The contracts for running Diskos 2.0 were signed in December 2020 and March 2021, with Kadme and Halliburton (Landmark).

Landmark will manage the database for subsurface data, including seismic, well and production data.

Kadme software will be used for the "trade module", which manages data trading on NCS, including managing entitlements to traded data.

The contracts have a duration of 5 years plus 3 optional years, with total estimated value of NOK 157m (USD 18m).

38 oil and gas companies are members of DISKOS, and there are also service company and academic members.

Diskos 2.0 is planned to go live in Summer 2022, with a full implementation period running from April 2021 to October 2022.

The task of moving all the data started on April-May 2021, and will continue until Q2 2022. This includes all the databases, entitlement information, attributes and seismic data. There is over 13 petabytes in total.

It is built on the OSDU platform, managed in the AWS cloud in Stockholm, with disaster recovery in AWS Frankfurt. A further fully synchronised copy is stored in MS Azure Oslo to meet Norwegian Archival Law requirements.

'Diskos 2.0 will be the template for how to manage a nation's subsurface assets,' says Kenny Astbury, NDR Solution Champion at Halliburton, which owns the Landmark software.

Rather than being basically a 'data warehouse', it is an 'integrated data ecosystem,' he said.

'The aim is to gain efficiencies through automation, accelerate access to data through open APIs, reduce the need to download data, instead consume data in situ,' he said. Capability for AI/ML and on demand data processing are also offered in the new platform.


About 2 petabytes of seismic data are added to DISKOS every year, including field data, pre-stack and post-stack.

Data from all exploration and development wells have to be reported to DISKOS.

In addition to routine well data reporting, data from the 'Released wells initiative' is now stored in Diskos, including high resolution digital images of drill cuttings, plus X-rays and fluorescence analysis for each well bore. The companies which own the data in this project have exclusive access for 2 years, after which the data is made public.

There is work going on to fill in gaps in the data, from wells which were logged before the DISKOS project started. The logs may still exist, but only in hard copy, or written reports.

The Released Wells Initiative won the Exploration Innovation Prize at the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS) Exploration Conference 2021.

There is another initiative to digitalise reporting petrophysical data, which is 'a step change in how this data is to be reported to NPD,' says Eric Toogood, manager of DISKOS.


There are a number of manual steps in the current workflow for reporting seismic and well data. Data is submitted on physical media or ftp, and then checked again when it is unloaded, including metadata extraction and setting entitlements. So a lot of manual steps and a large support team, Mr Toogood says.

In DISKOS 2.0 the process of packaging and submitting files will be part of an automated 'ingestion workflow.' The data is packaged actually within the application, and metadata is extracted automatically. The data files are checked using machine learning algorithms.

Data can be downloaded either directly as a data file, or through a DISKOS API directly into other software packages.

Associated Companies
» Norwegian Petroleum Directorate


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