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OGP to drive Earth Observation uptake in the Industry

Friday, September 13, 2013

The International Association of Oil and Gas Producers has set up a new body with the goal of increasing the industry's use of Earth satellite and airborne imagery, a key tool that will improve emergency response and also make exploration and production more efficient.

Satellite and airborne imaging of the surface of the Earth - often referred to as Earth Observation (EO) and also known technically as Remote Sensing (RS) - involves using earth-orbiting satellites or dedicated survey aircrafts to obtain information regarding the status of the surface of the Earth and its Atmosphere.

''OGP decided to set up the Earth Observation Subcommittee within the Geomatics Committee to support industry projects aimed at improving emergency response'' said Palle Jensen, Geomatics Committee Chair. ''It is part of OGP''s comprehensive effort to improve prevention and enhance preparedness'' he added.
Satellite imaging is regularly used throughout oil & gas activities, from the initial exploration, to development and production until decommissioning. Use of EO data can save time and money and reduce risks to personnel and assets.

The subcommittee will initially focus on the use of EO data to monitor sea ice, for environmental baseline mapping and monitoring as well as improving the mapping and modelling of meteorological and oceanographic (metocean) parameters. It will actively support the Oil Spill Response Joint Industry Project (OSR JIP) led collaboratively by IPIECA and OGP, and other OGP-managed projects where Remote Sensing plays a major role. It will cooperate with OGP''s Environment and Metocean Committees.

The group will also work in close contact with the European Space Agency (ESA) and with European Association of Remote Sensing Companies (EARSC). It will assist with ESA and EARSC efforts to promote industry-wide awareness and rapid implementation of new Earth Observation technologies, to utilise new opportunities and to maximise its benefits for the oil and gas industry.

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