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PPDM Association creates new application for business and data rules

Friday, August 29, 2014

Since 2010, The Professional Petroleum Data Management (PPDM) Association has been developing an online repository and associated application for defining business and data rules, and invites contribution from industry to further expand the rule sets.

Rusty Foreman of BP says that 'standard, comprehensive rules about data are a critical element in the emergence of data management as a professional discipline, and of data as a valuable asset that supports the strategic needs of industry. The PPDM Data Rules Knowledge Base captures common industry rules about what makes data 'trusted data''. BP has recently contributed several hundred rules to PPDM for inclusion in the PPDM Data Rules Knowledge Base.

PPDM uses subject matter experts (mainly volunteers) to examine the contributions, identify rules not already in the repository, modify the rules to the standard format and add essential metadata. Once in the repository, industry participants can vote for or against rules, and discuss the contents of the rule.

Trudy Curtis, CEO of the PPDM Association says: 'A complete and public repository of rules can be used to set expectations for creating, delivering and using data by all stakeholders through the life cycle of industry assets.

Fundamentally, they also provide the core of the knowledge base that should be taught to every data manager, embedded in every software product, and included in every contract for data or services. They are the foundation upon which the discipline is grounded.'

Submissions have already come from operators and major service companies throughout the industry, mainly in the well and seismic subject areas. These will be added to rules previously developed, included the December 2013 contribution from Halliburton, and a significant contribution from EnergyIQ. Every contribution is valued, and as the rules build PPDM expects an overlap in contributions, which will improve description phrasing.

Steve Cooper, President of EnergyIQ is delighted to be involved with this initiative. 'Enhancing data quality and maturity over the well lifecycle is a foundational concept within EnergyIQ's TDM Well Master database solution. We deliver a comprehensive set of data quality rules as part of our TDM Rules Engine that is based upon years of experience gained managing some of the largest and most complex E&P databases in the World. At EnergyIQ, we see great value in sharing these rules across industry so that we can begin to establish meaningful metrics for the quality of data sets which is a key concept in treating data as a critical asset of an organization. Consequently, we are pleased to contribute data quality rules to the PPDM initiative both today and on an ongoing basis.'

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