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Using design software to support the asset lifecycle

Thursday, October 31, 2013

There is a growing demand in the oil and gas industry for product lifecycle management software tools, says Dassault Systèmes

Oil and gas operators are increasingly demanding ''Product/Plant Lifecycle Management'' (PLM) software tools, which means tools which can manage the entire lifecycle of a product or asset from its conception, through design and manufacture, to service and disposal, says Harald Gunnerød, business development executive with Dassault Systèmes.

He was speaking at the Digital Energy Journal event in Aberdeen ''Improving offshore design decision making'' on 30 May 2013.

Dassault Systèmes is a leading supplier of PLM tools including market leading 3D design software like SolidWorks and Catia.

Dassault Systèmes has 45 per cent of its employees working in research and development, and spends ca 30 per cent of its revenue on software development.

Dassault Systemes 3D Experience platform aims to provide a working digital model within the computer. This model can be tested in a virtual environment and is connected to all information needed within its lifecycle.

''The traditional 3D CAD was used to design mechanical components,'' he said. ''The main goal was to allow the user to create his product in a 3D system that was easy to use, and gave a good visual feedback''. The end product was usually drawings and part lists (Bill of materials). The parts in the model were, and still are, stored like separate files.

''These tools are very easy to use graphically - you can undo, you can redo.''

Plant design tools were much more focused on creating a database of the design. They were both less visual and harder to use. The databases remain proprietary and not easy to connect to other IT systems.

3D modeling in the future

''3D design technology is quickly evolving. It is now possible to make a realistic graphical representation of your product, be it a shampoo bottle or an Oil Platform. ,'' Mr Gunnerød said.

''Even more important is the possibility to connect to other sources of information. You can also communicate and collaborate on a global level. We are promoting this new holistic way on working as the 3D Experience.''

Dassault Systemes has a big footprint within simulation in the Oil and gas industry. The 3D Experience platform allows for a better integration of these tools. The worlds remaining natural resources are harder to get, be it greater ocean depths, complex reservoirs or arctic conditions. Simulation is now required at an earlier stage in the engineering process as the engineering challenges are tougher.

How will a material behaveat 3000m depth? How will our tool function when covered by ice? The traditional ''check if it will break'' can be complemented by an early study of the engineering challenge. Do we have the required material strength to solve this problem?

Simulation software

Dassault Systèmes provides a sophisticated simulation and finite element analysis software tool called ''ABAQUS'', marketed under its ''SIMULIA'' brand, following its acquisition of software company ABAQUS in 2005.

Finite Element Analysis is about analyzing the structure over many small cells (called ''finite elements'') and adding them together to make an analysis of the entire structure.

ABAQUS can be used for many different types of structural analysis, including structural, thermal and electro magnetics,'' said Max Leadley- Brown, sales manager at Dassault Systèmes.

In the oil and gas industry, you can simulate the entire offshore rig, wave loading, steelwork stress and fatigue. ''You can look at how the pipes and the pipe lines interact which each other, you can look at stress, crush bend, the well, pipe line and finally foundations and how they behave. You can actually see how most structural interactions behave,'' Mr Leadley-Brown said.

''Offshore platforms obviously are subject to crumbling and understanding how the structure age and cope with these stresses is very important.''

You can watch the relevant video from our conference and download the slides in this link: /701.aspx

Associated Companies
» Dassault Systèmes


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