The Real Challenges to Building Collaborative Centers
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Charles McFarland
Landmark Software and Services (Halliburton)
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Talk Description Companies have struggled for the last twenty years or more adopting new technologies to improve how they work and the results they achieve. Thousands of hardware and software solutions have been introduced, installed, trained and implemented over this time period, with varying degrees of success and failure. While many factors are identified that contribute to success or failure of productivity improvements projects, we will focus our discussion on areas that are usually missed or ignored when implementing change.
Our nature is to dislike change. Change causes stress, uncertainty, and usually results in immeasurable costs, both to the individual and the organization.
Input + Process = Output. This is the definition of work. This is the basic scientific formula of life. We cannot change results if we continue to work the same way.
We only use about 20-30% of the technology available. This is called our “comfort zone”. The basic set of functionality that we use day in and day out to get our jobs done.
Knowledge management is the key to process improvement. Our industry is facing 50-70% of the talent that found the first trillion barrels leaving in the next 10-15 years.
RESULTS, OBSERVATIONS, CONCLUSIONS: At Halliburton, our design efforts focus on the desired results to achieve new collaborative working environment layouts. In the early days of technology adoption, facilities were designed around the hardware as the heart of the process, we will discuss alternatives.
APPLICATIONS: The concept of designing around workflow and personnel attributes to achieve desired results is nothing new. Architects have practiced function over form for years, but this has not always translated into easily defined changes in our workplace. We will discuss the importance of design, ergonomics and human-machine-interfaces (HMI) with regard to successfully implementing change.
TECHNICAL CONTRIBUTIONS: Far too often our focus is on short-term budget goals, not results, and our industry fails to capture real benefits from process improvement opportunities. By focusing on results, we are able to consider all elements of change that could contribute to the process goals.
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