Doing more with drilling data
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Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Drilling goes social
Lars-Christian Røsberg, Business Analyst Well Operations, ConocoPhillips Norge
ConocoPhillips / Computas
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Talk Description In spite of impressive advances in drilling technology, the cost of drilling is soaring and represents a significant and increasing part of oil recovery investments. Data is available in abundance, but drilling teams are struggling to make sense and good use of the data in daily operations and decision making. Interestingly, we work better together, involving the whole team in stressful situations that demand close cooperation and quick communication. We believe that social media similar to the sharing, blogging and chatting tools we use in our private lives can help us to achieve the same level of collaboration more regularly, enabling us to quickly obtain expert support, achieve a common situation understanding, and rapidly converge on a sound decision in complex drilling situations. We have built a pilot system combining high-level visualization of drilling progress with problem-specific decision tools, all based on a social collaboration platform. In the talk we will present and demonstrate the solution and report on preliminary results of its validation in an operational setting.
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