Introducing BiModal IT to support Digital Transformation within subsurface to achieve competitive advantage
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John McLaren
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Talk Description New digital technologies are enabling oil and gas companies to recover more hydrocarbons, increase operational efficiency and reduce risk. As “digitalization” moves from an innovative trend to a core competency, enterprises need to understand and exploit ‘digital’ platform effects throughout all aspects of their businesses. Not doing so will threaten their ability to deliver as well as have their products/services perceived as non value-adding by customers both internal and external to the enterprise. In addition, their ability to attract and retain talent will be placed at risk. Independent industry surveys show that digitalization is intensifying. In the next five years, digital process are anticipated to rise from 42% to 77% and digital revenues are expected to grow from 16% to 37%.
The deepening of “digital” means that lines are becoming increasingly blurred, and boundaries semi porous — both inside and outside the enterprise — as multiple networks of stakeholders bring value to each other by exploiting and exploring platform dynamics.
The organization has always wanted to be agile, to react gracefully to uncertainty, to be faster and more flexible. But up to now, that desire has been like a New Year’s resolution — where one creates laudable goals only to fall short of them when day-to-day pressures set in. In IT, effective and sustained execution often suffers because there’s no real urgency, or commitment to the cost and management engagement required to be faster and more agile. Bimodal IT helps CIOs overcome this inertia and efficiently develop the speed and agility their organization needs to meet digital challenges. If they are successful, they ultimately bring the whole enterprise along.
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