Data Science - A case study in biostratigraphy and paleo-environmental interpretation
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Philip Lesslar
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Talk Description How data science was used to interpret the subsurface - with a statistical analysis on fossilised foraminifera (marine organisms) in well samples
Data science is a fairly recent subject area that is comprised of several different skillsets, ranging from statistics, probability, mathematics to programming, machine learning and domain knowledge. These separate subjects and techniques have been around for a long time but have mostly been used individually and not in an integrated way which is what data science is all about. There are as yet not many examples of how data science can be applied to EP data.
The case study described is not a recent one and was done long before the name “data science” was coined. It however, embodies what data science is about and is intended to be illustrative rather than current.
One activity carried out by biostratigraphers is the interpretation of paleo-environments based on foraminiferal occurrences in well samples. This activity, however, is frequently inconsistent and depends on the experience of the biostratigrapher. The paper describes a case study detailing the collation, analysis and development of a probabilistic approach to paleo-environmental interpretation using foraminifera. The tools and techniques used in combination to solve and improve this particular business problem is what is now called data science
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